Jim Spain, former president of Crown Chemical in Crestwood iL, has plead guilty to illegally dumping chemical wastes into a regional sewer system. He gets off easy with a fine, home confinement and a year's probation. Crown Chemical Inc., which also pleaded guilty to charges in the case, was sentenced to pay a criminal fine, required to spend a year on probation and make a public apology. The company's manager, Catalino Uy, was fined and will spend two years on probation. The fines total $135,000.
Spain was charged in 2006 with the illegal discharges, lying to federal investigators and conspiracy. Spain admitted that he showed employees how to discharge the untreated wastewater to the local sewers, and that he also directed employees to use a hose to try to dilute the waste being discharged. During the trial he acknowledged that the illegal discharges extended for 16 years, from 1985 until 2001. Spain also admitted he had lied to federal investigators and admitted that he telephoned several employees before they arrived for work and told them to falsely tell investigators that they treated the wastewater before they discharged it.
Crown Chemical Inc., manufactures industrial and commercial home cleaning products. According to the indictment in the case, wastewater resulting from cleaning out tanks at the facility routinely was drained to the city sewer system, despite the fact that the discharges violated standards for their acid content and at times for their caustic content. The sewer system in Crestwood is a regional system that connects to a treatment plant owned by the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.
Guess what Chicago, you just drank toxic waste... again.
The people of Crestwood need to know that their village leaders have been lying to the EPA for years and using an unauthorized well to provide drinking water for the village.
The EPA was told that Crestwood purchases all of their water (Lake Michigan water) but in reality they have been illicitly supplementing this water with water from well number one... which tested (by the EPA) for almost THREE TIMES THE MAXIMUM SAFE CONTAMINANT LEVEL FOR VINYL CHLORIDE.
The people of Crestwood have been drinking water contaminated with vinyl chloride for years.
The US EPA needs to do an investigation as the Illinois EPA seems uncapable of protecting the people of Crestwood from being poisoned by their leaders.
Crestwood falsified records, forged documents and engaged in a conspiracy to keep their use of this water a secret.
Do you have any documentation to back this up? Where did you get the vinyl chloride info? Has this been in the news in Crestwood already?
I am working out a syllabus for a free computer class I will volunteer to teach at the local library through the Adult Education program locally; I want to take from the instruction and syllabus of high school and college class and mix in what I see of Web2.0 for functional emerging technology of the internet in so much as it will affect ability to empower parents to enable themselves to self educate for better jobs and assist their children and personal needs for research or homework.
Please respond with anything you know of as relevant, here are three of my current resources www.iTunes.com for iTunesU, www.ziipa.com and www.Go2Web20.net. I am also trying to work out which wiki platform is most simple to enable community to use wiki and square foot gardening to support the local food banks and homeless shelters. Wiki (www.mixedink.com) could enable a better syllabus for people to better search for or educate to workplace functionality standards and information as entertainment through enrichment.
The transmission of sociology based standardized measured units of demographics data mining for education automation is not socialism nor grid supercomputer cloud OS. Chinese Military Intelligence Genius Clone Virtual OS wiki Augmented Reality immersion life energy word abacus transmission measurements. The Wheel of (ethics) Buddhist Terms Poster touch screen video context immersion selection tool. Bamboo.
1) I am doing business service which I install small “square foot gardens”, Cold Frames/mini Greenhouse, Rotating Composters, “Lasagna Gardens,” for free and then you can eat, sell, or donate the food (food banks, farmers market, or homeless.) I am also looking for high school or college level Social Studies partners.
Please note I live with my grandparents and need to add to their fixed income. Call or Email me ASAP (Planting starts soon!) Matthew Tripp TradeSkillsLLC and Extinctculture.
2) I am offering computer use and configuration service something like tutoring for software organization/productivity/student+professional researching, but MUCH cheaper; its geared to productivity and community life enhancement for people too busy to properly configure their computers. My (philanthropy KIVA.org) fee is 4 dollars per hour and can probably take 25 to 45 gardens total. System configuration and tutoring clients will be taken on call as my schedule permits by email or phone daily and weekly as needed.
3) Hauling recycling by bike and trailer is also an option with pickups for glass paper plastic and possibly yard waste if we can get on a neighborhood watch wiki schedule per each neighborhood with a common area for leaves, grass, and vegetable rotating composters.
I live less than 4 miles from Home Depot or Lowes. I hope to use a tricycle and bike trailer to pick up materials for the garden installations with the bike and trailer… this is also part of my fitness training program.
The amount of internet functionality and database information grows at an exponential rate, so its far too much for the average person to keep up with for information or software upgrades by people who have many daily obligations or less desire to spend hours each week keeping up with what’s new or of improved function on the web. So I will give you a look at some of the stuff that is out there in the rest of this page.
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My intention is to use advanced computer information/innovation skills to tutor and train or select critical thinking context and concept mapping Philosophy or biotic mass ethics multimedia editing content for civic service workers or school curriculum peer review academic database administration and specifically volunteers to non-profit staff in an occupation of tutoring and addendum of multimedia content selection and editing as a copyrighted franchise licensed + maintained with a creative commons patent for open source social + environmental activism templates of non-profit development + deployment of information worker skills to the administrators of civil programs such as meals on wheels, domestic violence counselors’ + patrons or admin’s, mental health and other healthcare facilities, college and high school staff/students, military, professionals, SS disability, NA/AA, elderly, perhaps similar to or with programs like Work Keys or Sylvan Learning.
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