Monday, January 11, 2010

Ottawa River clean-up has begun

Approximately 260,000 cubic yards of contaminated sediment is being removed from the Ottawa River and Sibley Creek in Toledo, OH. The project began on December 19th and it is estimated that it's going to cost us - me and you fellow taxpayer - $49 Million dollars. The goal of the project is to reduce impacts to human health and the environment on the Ottawa River. This is the eighth cleanup of a contaminated site under the Great Lakes Legacy Act.

Sediment in the river and creek is contaminated with a mixture of heavy metals, PCBs and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons called PAHs. The sediment contamination in the Ottawa River is a key contributor to the fish advisories currently in place and limit the amount of fish that can be safely eaten.

During phase one of the project 15,000 cubic yards of contaminated sediment will be removed from Sibley Creek, processed on-site to remove excess water and transported to the city of Toledo’s Hoffman Road Landfill for disposal. Sibley Creek is a 1.1-mile long tributary to the Ottawa River that enters the river about four miles upstream of the river mouth. The Sibley Creek work is expected to be completed by the end of January.

In April 2010 dredging of the main channel of the Ottawa River will begin. Some 245,000 cubic yards of contaminated sediment will be removed. Dredging activities in the Ottawa River are expected to be completed by late 2010.

EPA is providing $24.5 million for the project through the Great Lakes Legacy Act. The Ottawa River Group, a consortium of private businesses in partnership with the city of Toledo, will provide the remaining $24.5 million. The city is providing space in its municipal landfill as their cost share.


jobs in sales said...

nice article
thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...
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Kathy said...

It would appear that any company that will be having contaminated waste should be required to add money to an "EPA cleanup pot". When they close their company and if they did not contaminate any land or water, they can get their money back minus the inspection cost.

Making biodegradable products is not harmful to the environment.