Saturday, June 24, 2006

Illinois Mercury Pollution Hearings Begin

Hearings are underway in Springfield before the Illinois Pollution Control Board to review the proposed mercury pollution reduction standards, which would require coal plants to reduce mercury pollution by 90% by June 30, 2009 by installing modern pollution control technology. These are among the strongest mercury pollution control standards in the nation.

Please sign the citizens' petition to support strong mercury pollution reduction standards in Illinois to protect children's health and the environment. To sign the petition, click here now:

For more information on the Chicago-based Environmental Law and Policy Centers's mercury pollution reduction campaign, see

Everyone who knows me has heard me say it: All coal power plants should be shut down immediately, the cost to the Great Lakes is to high. By continuing to rely on coal for our electricity, we are doing irrepairable damage to our water supply and our children's health. Of course, if you want all your children to be retards with short lifespans, you should do nothing. Personally, I want to shoot the kneecaps of some of the Republican bastards in the Michigan legislature who continue to ignore the scientific fact.

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