Sunday, June 19, 2005

Fundamentals of Sustainability discussion

This may not be news to some of you, but I just stumbled upon it on Cascadia Scorecard and thought it was a great conversation that more of us should be participating in. I'm still a card carrying Oregonian, so my attention drifts to the Pacific Northwest frequently.

Northwest Environment Watch (NEW) is trying to articulate—both for internal guidance and to anchor its public communications—the fundamentals of sustainability. By "fundamentals," we mean a brief list of values and principles that NEW and its supporters believe in, that capture the central messages we want to share with others, and that we hope to move up the public agenda together.

Northwest Environment Watch:
Values and Principles Discussion

I'm all for defining the values and principles of sustainability, these are certainly not salient points for the majority of Americans. Let's push this discussion as far as we can, beyond NW Environmental Watch and to our own businesses and lifestyles. Even if you don't give a rat's behind about NW Environmental Watch this is a good exercise, they've offered a great beginning. Throw in your opinion and help them - and all the rest of us who are engaged in this type of work - clearly define the message.

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