Sunday, November 20, 2005

Submit to the Bear!

Black Bear Speaks seeks experienced Great Lakes writers knowledgable in the areas of art, environment, political or social justice issues to submit to this site. There's no money available yet, but the potential is substantial. The Bear's popularity is continuously growing, as evidenced by the number of daily hits this site is currently getting. You can make Black Bear Speaks even better.

News: Send links to interesting news stories, including an original title and a 2-3 sentence synopsis of the story.

Papers: Send a link to your paper, including the title and a one paragraph synopsis.

Book reviews:Send a 300-500 word review of a book dealing with a progressive or regional Great Lakes issue.

Publicize events: If it has anything to do with progressive or environmental causes in the Great Lakes, send details to be posted. Free.

For all submissions, please state whether you would like your name published as the author, and if you would like your email address to be present.

You are free to comment on anything you see on Black Bear Speaks. Click the word comment directly under each post.

If you like what you read here, please support this site by buying books. Black Bear Speaks earns sales commissions via Powells Books in Portland, Oregon. Powells is, undeniably, the coolest bookstore in North America! There are literally millions of titles available. Make sure you always link to from Black Bear Speaks. Enjoy!

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